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D,W,F, Non-Smoker (for the past 15 years), seldom drink alcoholic beverages, and never-ever do illegal or abuse legal drugs. I live in Northeast Tennessee, USA -- Southern born and bred with no real desire to permanently move anywhere else, and wistfully content to remain alone for the rest of my life if that is the way it needs to be for the sake of peace and sanity. Age 50. Outspoken and opinionated. 5'6" 120 lbs - Shoulder Length Brown Hair -- with lots "and lots" of silver gray that I am often told is beautiful and which I have absolutely no intention of dyeing -- unless the mood strikes me someday and I change my mind. Brown eyes, and a really ridiculously playful sense of humor (I used to write scripts for and play a campy Southern Belle Vampire named Vampy Belle (of course) who introduced late Night Horror Movies). A gentleman once told me that the reason he adored me so, was because I had the ability to go from tomboy to lady to courtesan without scraping a gear, and I suppose in a way that is true. Depending on my mood, I can give any of the original ladies from the 80's tv show Designing Women a run for their money, wildly flirtatious like Suzanne, passionately pontificating like Julia, playfully wide-eyed and enthusiastic like Charlene, or sweetly shy like Mary Jo -- however, small talk generally is not my strong suit, and although I'm told by those who know me best (and have grown to love me anyway) that once I become comfortable with a person or a group, I can be both fascinating and funny--otherwise, and unless, there is business socializing and/or lobbying to be done, I usually sit back and let others have center stage, content to quietly observe from the familiar solitude of my own little corner of the world.
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I have a firm belief in honesty, truthfulness, and the Golden Rule, and in fact I co-authored with my dear friend, a successful series of character education intervention programs for at-risk youth based on ethical living as a lifestyle of wisdom and heroic choice. I have a Master's Degree in history (a real feat considering I can't recall my own name half the time), working by day in a business suit and an office as the Human Resource Administrator (and a thousand other non-titles that have more to do with research, development, data analysis, and public relations than HR) for a prominent non-profit agency. I have also been a business owner for several years, and am a full partner in a second business -- so I guess you could call me a workaholic...who can stand anything, except being bored! I dress professionally for work, of course, and I like to dress up for evenings out and special occasions, but other than that I prefer a tomboyish blue jeans and sweat shirt sort of casual -- and although I prefer to be warm and don't often wear them, I do have a weakness for (and own a large collection of) soft and flowing, very feminine full length silky nightgowns that hug the bosom and flare from the waist to swirl about with your every movement like some elegant evening gown from a historical romance.
I'm a former model, with a slender, but shapely figure -- a little more shapely than it used to be, but I still wear a size five jeans so I guess I'm doing ok for a lady my age. ...And besides rock hard abs may look great on tv commercials and in the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated but "live and in-person" they really aren't very soft and cuddly and most of the men I've known were quick to point out that they preferred soft curves to sharp angles.
I'm a trained Storyteller, who a few years back, earned her living relating history and legends about, and selling precious and semi-precious gemstones on a home shopping channel. At that time I was literally known over various corners of the world (at least the parts where our satellite signal reached) as The Queen Of The Gemstone Dungeon.... Honest!
I'm also a pseudo-reformed liberal who is living proof of the old adage that says that the wisest among us grow more conservative as we age. I'm the Mother who, as a small child, idolized Annie Oakley and grew up desperately wanting to be Eowyn Shieldmaiden of Rohan from The Lord of The Rings, and who taught her sons how to look for adventure in the woods and the creeks, swing on vines, fight with wooden swords, and appreciate heroes such as the hobbits from Tolkien's trilogy, and especially the big-hearted nobility and quiet courage of Samwise Gamgee and admire Tarzan Of The Apes and Harrison Ford as Han Solo in Star Wars, and as Indiana Jones, and also Conan the Barbarian. In fact, I passed along to them, a genuine love for all mythology in general, old and new, and a true desire to understand and practice chivalry. Which also means I am proud to say that I am the fortunate mother of two exceptionally smart, good boys ages 22 & 18, both in college, (one happy go lucky, physical fitness guru, warrior poet, martial arts teacher who has read and recalls a little bit about everything, and one quietly serious, historical role gaming fanatic, gentle soul, computer fanatic, who reads, surfs the net and watches tv all at the same time, while displaying a razor sharp and brilliant wit when he actually speaks) who both have pretty much outgrown their need for mom.
As for what I'm looking for...I guess I truly won't know 'til I find him, but I do know that he will definitely "not be married," and will be confidant enough to appreciate me for all the years I've lived, the strides I've taken, and the strong and independent woman I've grown to be, while also identifying and acting upon my need to love, and to be loved and cherished. He will have a vision for his life, and have achieved a large number of his goals through his own efforts. He will understand the importance of family, have the strength to be gentle, stand tall enough to reach out to a child, have the wisdom to acknowledge and accept the fact that no one, not even he, knows everything, have dreams of a better tomorrow for himself, his loved ones and the world, a determined will to make his dreams come true, and the courage to stand for what's right when everything else around him is going to hell in a handcart -- think Jimmy Stewart (with a little help from John Wayne) in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. He will also be honest, full of laughter, financially, mentally and emotionally secure, and intellectually stimulating with an interest in life, local, state and federal politics, history, ethics, philosophy, and perhaps human relationships, Joseph Campbell, obscure esoterica, and all those other things that seem so utterly fascinating when you're sitting by the fireside on a cold and dark winter's eve, or on a starlit veranda on a warm summer's night.
He will also live in my hometown or nearby, or be independently wealthy, or have superpowers that enable him to fly or have otherwise unlimited access to supersonic transport. Seriously, I'm really not a gold-digger, or a cold and calculating heartless woman -- I've worked hard and reached a mildly comfortable degree of security in my life, and I'm doing just fine financially on my own. I'm just a nice lady who invested the last six years of her life in a long-distance, committed, monogamous relationship with a very nice, very compatible man, only to finally -- and sadly -- admit that I can't live in a makeshift campsite forever. I'm the type that sooner or later either has to put down roots and build a log cabin, or pack up the old Conestoga wagon and see what is around the next bend in the river. My secret desire is to somehow still be me, while being married to Sheriff Andy Taylor and living among Mayberry's quiet, tree-lined streets. A working writer, or lawyer, doctor, or other professional who enjoys writing action, adventure, fantasy or horror novels or screenplays on the side would be a fantasy come true. So, are you a Matlock type who lives down the street and happens to be online? How about a Clive Cussler, or maybe even...a Dirk Pitt? Ok, I have it! What about George Lucas? Are you out there...? You're a man who loves to research and write, knows the true value of kids, family & Joseph Campbell, THX 1138 & how to dream big, and then work to see your dreams become a reality. You're single. I'm single. You have a jet -- I can commute.... :)
All jokes aside, I am wistfully content to remain alone for the rest of my life if that's the way it must be for the sake of peace and sanity.... I realize that I'm asking a lot, but I also know that I have a great deal of love, laughter and passion to share, have lived long enough to have known both a great deal of joy and sadness and have thereby gained the experience to appreciate the value of both compromise and compassion. Yes, it is true, I am asking a lot, but more importantly, I am willing to give every bit as much in return for the right man, and I figure that is a pretty good trade off, and I'm pretty sure that the right man will figure that too.
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