Should you set up your own web server. Advice you can trust from and Internet old-timer.

I went to a business seminar a few days ago, and while I was there several people asked for my advice concerning whether or not they should set up their very own web server -- probably because I don't personally own a web server and therefore could be trusted to give them a fairly objective answer on recommended solutions and providers. Well, I was a bit nervous, and I probably didn't explain myself very here it is--free of charge--for anyone who is interested. (Told in proper storytelling form per special request!)

Let's say that you don't particularly like milk, and seldom drink it. Now let's say you got up this morning and saw someone on TV eating a bowl of cereal, and that bowl of cereal really looked good...and you really wanted a bowl of cereal of your very own--but you didn't have any milk in the house. Now, as I see it, there is one of two ways to proceed here...depending upon your personal inclinations.

1. If you are the really adventurous sort, you can buy a cow.

Now this means you will not only have to buy a cow and the necessary accouterments to maintain that cow; but depending on how much you know about cows, you'll probably also have to pay a consultant to help you purchase the cow, prepare the cow's new home, and milk the cow. Now that you've done all that, then you're going to discover that you have a whole lot of extra milk on your hands, which means that you're now going to have to go into dairy farming, which means that in addition to all the other expenses you've now accrued, you're also going to have to pay someone to package, market, and deliver the milk.

Guess what? Now, you are head over heels in the dairy business, and sooner or later-- probably real soon--your cow is going to dry up and become obsolete, i.e. a better, more prolific breed of cow will come along, or the market will quickly become saturated with small dairy farmers and the bottom will drop out of your new venture, or the mega dairy farmer's will run you out of business without even stirring the dust on their assets.

2. Or you can buy a pint of milk.

And, of course, the moral of this story is ...unless you've got a real hankering to be a dairy farmer--don't buy a cow when the milk's dirt cheap!

Seriously folks, either way you get your bowl of cereal. A web server is realistically going to cost you several thousand dollars just to set up, not to mention maintenance costs; and therefore, conventional wisdom pretty much decrees that you shouldn't even consider setting up your own web server unless your current on-line costs total at least $1,000.00 per month. Or, unless you really want to try your hand at the serious business of hosting other web sites. Or, you're making so much money that you really need the tax deduction. Only you can decide how adventurous you really are.... However; feel free to call me if you need any help, either being talked out of it, or talked through it.

NOTE: This was written about 14 years ago, and although the principle remains the same, the internet in general and the world of server providers have taken great strides in complexity. However, my very best advice to you is...
Let Spun Silk professionally host your website.
I've been designing and hosting sites for almost fifteen years now. Thanks to the virtual wonders of the Internet, email, and third party payment guarantors, I've had customers from a variety of states, countries and continents...and I've never had a single complaint from any any of my clients! I work hard to be good service provider and give inexpensive, yet top notch quality service and value....and you won't have to waste your valuable time trying figure how to do it yourself.

Recommended Multiple Domain Hosting Options

At Spun Silk we do not offer reseller hosting, or multiple domain hosting. We are a full-service hosting company.... Therefore if you plan on hosting multiple sites and do not mind learning the in's and out's of using CPanel we strongly recommend the following hosting companies. We have personally dealt with each of them over the years on behalf of various clients. They each offer outstanding value for the money, fabulous customer service and a rock solid "up time" guarantee.

Blue Host

Host Gator


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